Air Tight Attic Hatch With Ladder

Airtight Attic Hatch With Ladder
Airtight Attic Hatch With fold down Ladder & Highly Insulated Door (U-Value 0.49)
Min. Opening Reqd. = 1150x550mm
£319 + VAT
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Easy to bring down with counterbalanced springs to take the weight of the door when descending.
The ladder is in 3 folding parts which are easy to extend to the full height. After use, simply fold the ladder up and give door a gentle push towards the ceiling. The tension springs will pull the door back up into position and engage the catch. Normal, traditional attic ladders are fitted with little or no thought given to their thermal or air-tight performance. Typically 25% of household energy wastage is lost through air leakage
028 2587 8650
Unit 5 Ahoghill Business Centre
58 Cullybackey Road
BT42 1LA